29Rooms San Francisco

CLIENT: Refinery29 ╳ VENUE: Palace of Fine Arts, SF ╳ ATTENDEES: 20K

For 29Rooms San Francisco, I had the honor of designing the two Celebrity rooms for the event in collaboration with Anna Kendrick and Jessica Alba. 29Rooms is a collection of 29 spaces that have been curated to show art and appeal to Refinery29’s core audience of young, independent, millennial women. The “Tell Us Your Secret” Room was inspired by the film, A Simple Favor directed by Paul Feig and starring Anna Kendrick. The voices of Anna Kendrick and Blake Lively beckoned guests to enter the room and write down a deep dark secret anonymously. The secrets, written on scrolls of paper were then tucked into the walls of the space. Fragmented profiles of the character’s faces were hung throughout the cooly lit space to represent perspectives shifting. Guests were delighted, shocked and captivated as they explored the secrets that other guest’s shared throughout the room. 

The “Once Upon a Time” Room was a partnership with Jessica Alba and her foundation, Baby2Baby that provides mothers in need with essentials for their children. The peaceful storybook landscape incorporated a full wall made of diapers. This was a scaled statement about the need for this basic necessity that one in three mothers struggles to provide for their children. The room offered further information about the foundation, as well as a donation station to contribute to Baby2Baby’s efforts.

This event was produced by Refinery 29. Room concept and design by Stephanie Dally.

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